Thursday, March 10, 2011

Financial Success

You didn't reallly want my friendship;
Tho' I gave it freely.

You didn't really want my love;
Tho' I gave it freely.

You didn't really want my compassion;
Tho' I gave it freely.

You didn't really want my kindness;
Tho' I gave it freely

I didn't understand how you could not want it,
Until I understood you thought it came with a price.

Friendship, Love, Compassion and Kindness are priceless.

I would never charge you for what I give.

I never feel hurt for what you cannot accept because
Your not accepting "what is" is out of my control.

The expense of not accepting is a deficit on your spreadsheet, not mine.
It's good business practice to adjust your budget for windfalls!

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