Sunday, December 11, 2011

Brown Door

The Brown Door
There is a brown door that separates the us from the them.
We have been on both sides of that door.
We have lived on both sides of that door.
We have cried on both sides of that door.
We have learned, there are no us and them,
It’s just a door, and it can open.
There is a brown door that separates the us from the them.
It doesn’t separate the pain.
It doesn’t separate the strain.
It doesn’t separate the brain.
We’ve been on both sides of that door,
We can turn the handle,
We can push the door open,
We can step over the threshold,
Come on over,
Let’s hug.
It’s scary on both sides.
To our understanding,
That’s the key.
It doesn’t have to be.
Just Push.

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