Friday, December 26, 2008

I am so excited about this! I got my entry put on the Virgin Healthmiles blog on December 23rd and I just saw it today. I am so proud. If I win, I get to have 1000 healthmiles! Please go and comment if you have time, so they can see how popular and wonderful I am...Hehehe..just kidding!

The blog is located at

Here it is copy and pasted below:

23 December 2008
Member Spotlight: Beverly F

Here's a great member story that we wanted to share for some seasonal inspiration:

"My name is Beverly. I have been a HealthMiles member since June 2008. Since that time I have lost 50 pounds (as of [December 7, 2008] when the picture was taken).

This picture represents the new place that I am when I shop! I go to the BACK of the parking lot! Did you know that it can add 300 or more steps just by parking at the last spot on the lot and walking up to your favorite store?

I have a funny personal story about this. When I was not taking care of my health, my oldest son got tired of my complaining about getting a close parking spot, he parked at the back of the lot and we laughed (and I complained) about walking all the way up to the store.

Little did I know, that once I started Virgin HealthMiles, I would CHOOSE to park there and be excited to walk. This Christmas, park at the back! There are so many advantages!

1. No cars squeezing in next to you.
2. No people coming up right when you are coming back to your car that you have to wait on!
3. Lots of steps!! Which could mean more money to spend once you get up to the store!

Thanks so much for this program.... It has helped me so much to take care of my health and has probably saved my life!"

Way to go, Beverly! That looks like a well-loved GoZone :-)

Have your own stepcount strategies that you'd like to share? Post a comment.

Posted on 23 December 2008 in member spotlights | Permalink | Comments (1)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Wishing Wells

by Bebbi (originally posted on Night Owls 11/14/08)

Ever since I was a young child, I have always loved wishing wells. It used to be that every chance I got to throw a penny in a fountain or well and make a wish, I would. For me, wishing wells hold the hopes and dreams of my youth. Also, I loved shooting stars, picking up pennies, and any other way that you can make a wish. I do still, to this day, pick up pennies and say, “See a penny, pick it up and all the day you’ll have good luck.”

I guess that is the Disney child in me, the whimsical, wistful, naïve child who dreams of rainbows, lollipops, tooth fairies, Santa Claus, and all things magical. I think my first memory of far away lands was probably the Wizard of Oz. Also, I loved H.R. Puff ‘N stuff, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Chronicles of Narnia and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. To me, wishing wells are one of those truly mystical things. It is the Happy Magic, the good and the sweet kind that isn’t scary or ugly.

When I was at my dad’s house this past weekend, I was walking (yeah, I know, you hear about *that* enough) and came across this awesome wishing well. I have seen it before, but now I have an outlet for the thoughts and stories that turn around and around in my head! I decided I would take some pictures of it and write a little piece.

In August, when Shiann and I went to my dad’s house, I walked by that well. As I passed it, I thought that maybe, just maybe, it was a real wishing well. Just by itself, in the middle of this property, quietly waiting for someone to come along and grant any wish that one would want to make. The odd thing is, I haven’t made a wish in it yet. Actually, I hadn’t gotten really close to it until this last visit. I don’t want the disappointment that comes with finding that awesome magic that I have in my imagination isn’t real. I would rather just dream. Sometimes, fantasies are way better than the realities. I love that little sparkle of hope and innocence in me, but I will keep my fantasy and I will not go to that well and make a wish. Does that sound cynical? Maybe I should make that wish? Would you throw a penny in and make a wish?

I think the wishing wells of today are those chain emails that come around. Forward this to 10 of your closest friends and your wish will come true. Forward this, and in exactly 11 minutes and 11 seconds you will get a phone call that will change your life. Hmmmmm, I don’t usually send them. I will send them if it is a pretty picture though. Those do not fulfill my need for my wishes to come true, they just make me feel a lot of pressure that if I don’t send them, something bad is going to happen.

Frank Kafka said, “Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.” I see beauty in this old wishing well and with that, I can touch and live those hopeful moments of my innocence again. Maybe I will go and pitch a penny in it the next time I visit my dad.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Tokyo, Japan

My son is in Tokyo. I am so excited for him! It is the adventure of a lifetime. He went with a friend. Here is a picture he has on his website.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Disney & Cocoa Beach


Well, I just came back from the most amazing Mother's Day ever! I went to Disney and Cocoa Beach with my children and we had a great time. We walked 6 1/2 miles and hit all the best rides at Animal Kingdom, Magic Kingdom & Epcot (ok, maybe not ALL the best rides but a good portion!)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Grandma & Grandpa's House


This house has a lot of meaning to me. When I was growing up we would go to my Grandparent's house almost every Sunday. My Grandfather had mini bikes, antique cars, an antique shop and all kinds of interesting stuff. Some of my best memories from childhood are of this place. It looks a lot different now. The swimming pool is gone, the orchard is not kept up or non-existent and the big pine tree in front is long gone, but the memories of all that come through when I look at these pictures.

This house seemed so big to me when I was little. It may not really be big, but it is huge in my mind and in my heart!

I hope I can be the grandparent that my grandparents were to me! :) RIP Viola Shores-Kennedy and Denton Shores, your memories live on!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Love Life

This really inspired me. I want to share it with the world because it is so powerful. It is really long but worth watching every minute of it. I am sure many have seen it before but I hadn't.


UPDATE: July 25, 2008 Randy Pausch died from his cancer. RIP and thank you for your inspiration. You made this world a better place.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Cocoa Beach, Florida - Space Shuttle Launch

My daughter went to Cocoa Beach, her first trip without parental units. Weird for me, but fun for her! She made it there and back safely with her best friend. Here is a movie she took of the Space Shuttle launch at 2:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 12, 2008. Her friend is talking, she is so DRAMATIC!! Enjoy!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Destination Destin!!

Well, we made it to Destin. We stopped by and visited Chel on our way. It sure is nice here. Here is a video. Just ignore the strange whispering I did at the end!! I don't know why I felt I needed to whisper like that~!!??`~~!!. Oh well, enjoy!LOL It is supposed to be nice like this again tomorrow too!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Santa Monica, California

Over Christmas, instead of stressing out, my daughter and I went to California. It was so much fun. This was a weird Christmas because all the offspring are grown adults now. Such fun and here is a little clip of our adventures. This was in Santa Monica, I just can't get away from animals that love balls. If you know me, you will know about BANDIT and his love of balls!
