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23 December 2008
Member Spotlight: Beverly F
Here's a great member story that we wanted to share for some seasonal inspiration:
"My name is Beverly. I have been a HealthMiles member since June 2008. Since that time I have lost 50 pounds (as of [December 7, 2008] when the picture was taken).
This picture represents the new place that I am when I shop! I go to the BACK of the parking lot! Did you know that it can add 300 or more steps just by parking at the last spot on the lot and walking up to your favorite store?
I have a funny personal story about this. When I was not taking care of my health, my oldest son got tired of my complaining about getting a close parking spot, he parked at the back of the lot and we laughed (and I complained) about walking all the way up to the store.
Little did I know, that once I started Virgin HealthMiles, I would CHOOSE to park there and be excited to walk. This Christmas, park at the back! There are so many advantages!
1. No cars squeezing in next to you.
2. No people coming up right when you are coming back to your car that you have to wait on!
3. Lots of steps!! Which could mean more money to spend once you get up to the store!
Thanks so much for this program.... It has helped me so much to take care of my health and has probably saved my life!"
Way to go, Beverly! That looks like a well-loved GoZone :-)
Have your own stepcount strategies that you'd like to share? Post a comment.
Posted on 23 December 2008 in member spotlights | Permalink | Comments (1)
Bebbi! That is so fantastic to have your story chosen! I love it.
Hugs to you!
Thanks Barb! I am excited too. I walked 20,250 steps today. I even lost a pound during Christmas which was really hard to do. Hope you are doing well.
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