This house has a lot of meaning to me. When I was growing up we would go to my Grandparent's house almost every Sunday. My Grandfather had mini bikes, antique cars, an antique shop and all kinds of interesting stuff. Some of my best memories from childhood are of this place. It looks a lot different now. The swimming pool is gone, the orchard is not kept up or non-existent and the big pine tree in front is long gone, but the memories of all that come through when I look at these pictures.
This house seemed so big to me when I was little. It may not really be big, but it is huge in my mind and in my heart!
I hope I can be the grandparent that my grandparents were to me! :) RIP Viola Shores-Kennedy and Denton Shores, your memories live on!
Bebbi -- hi, I am sorry to hear that you pom isn't doing good. I just wanted to reply to you regarding your questions about Metacam. I don't think that Metacam had anything to do with the loss of our pug. We believe she ended up dying of a neurological seizure disorder only found in pugs and she has put on the Metacam because the dr thought she had hurt her back. The only reason I suspected Metacam at the time was because we were grasping at straws to figure out what was wrong and a few of the symptoms were similiar. I sure hope your pom gets feeling better. Our thoughts are with you.
No problem!! What a coincidence that your daughter goes to WKU. My hubbie and I both graduated from there. We will add you to our links as well. Hope your puppy is doing better.
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