Friday, December 30, 2011

Hearts and Healing

It broke my heart.
It broke my heart to have to move away from you because I was losing myself.
It broke my heart.
It broke my heart to understand that my heart needed to be broken by you.
It broke my heart.
It broke my heart to not feel strong enough to save you.
It broke my heart.
It broke my heart, I don't blame you, I don't blame me...
It broke my heart
It broke my heart and scattered it into the universe.

It's sad to think I will always be alone, but not as sad as it was when I first thought it... the pain subsides as the reality sets in. And through all this I smile and feel more love for ALL than I have ever felt in my life.

A broken heart, healing is a gift from God.


Dr. Dave said...

My dear friend, are one of the kindest, loving, most down to earth person I know. You are a dear friend, and it hurts me to think of your heart being broken. I wish your much joy and laughter in the new year. Lovingly your friend, David

Dr. Dave said...

My dear friend, are one of the kindest, loving, most down to earth person I know. You are a dear friend, and it hurts me to think of your heart being broken. I wish your much joy and laughter in the new year. Lovingly your friend, David

Bebbilane said...

Thank you Dave. I feel the same way about you. I know we all go through this hurt sometimes. But, I am thankful for the outlet of words that I am allowed to express and get out my emotions. Thanks so much for your heartfelt words of comfort.

Monica said...

A sad yet beautiful poem, Bev. I´ve been there also so I so relate to this poem.My heart is still healing...while Im still growing. (((hugs)))

শ্রীশুভ্র said...

Reality is ironic in nature! On the wings of a broken heart
poetry swims smooth!
After diffusing the love the essence of life blooms in full!

And poet you takes this as the opportunity
to use it as the tool
to envelope all the other's sufferings under the coverage of your sympathy! Called poetry!