Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Linkin Park- In The End- Soothing, Relaxing Music

WE foible and fumble around because we don't realize what we are. Religions don't help either they just provide us a false sense of well being. If it doesn't come from the heart then it is just a part of the illusion.


James Rosier Jr. said...

I think that it was Benjamin Franklin who once said, "The measure of a man (or woman) is not how far he (she) climbs in life but how high he (she) bounces once fallen."

Bebbilane said...

Ha ha..I bounce pretty high. :) The problem is..I am like a bouncy ball and no one can stop me! ...ever seen that video game where you hit the ball back up and the little paddle at the bottom keeps it going? Well, someone is paddling my bottom! ha ha.

Bebbilane said...

And, they seem to enjoy doing it too..because I am still bouncing.

Bebbilane said...

Wow, that analogy really cracked me up..laughing at my own jokes...classic.